Hörmander has characterized the surjective constant coefficient partial differential operators on the space of all real analytic functions on by a Phragmén-Lindelöf condition. Geometric implications of this condition and, for homogeneous operators, of the corresponding condition for Gevrey classes are given.
This note can be considered as a long summary of the invited lecture given by J. Bonet in the Second Functional Analysis Meeting held in Jarandilla de la Vega (Cáceres) in June 1980 and it is based on our joint article [2], which will appear in Studia Mathematica. (...) The main result of the paper [2] is the characterization of those weight functions for which the analogue of Whitney's extension theorem holds.
The local Phragmén-Lindelöf condition for analytic varieties in complex n-space was introduced by Hörmander and plays an important role in various areas of analysis. Recently, new necessary geometric properties for a variety satisfying this condition were derived by the present authors. These results are now applied to investigate the homogeneous polynomials P with real coefficients that are stable in the following sense: Whenever f is a holomorphic function that is defined in some neighborhood...
We prove that an analytic surface in a neighborhood of the origin in satisfies the local Phragmén-Lindelöf condition at the origin if and only if satisfies the following two conditions: (1) is nearly hyperbolic; (2) for each real simple curve in and each , the (algebraic) limit variety satisfies the strong Phragmén-Lindelöf condition. These conditions are also necessary for any pure -dimensional analytic variety to satisify .
For algebraic surfaces, several global Phragmén-Lindelöf conditions are characterized in terms of conditions on their limit varieties. This shows that the hyperbolicity conditions that appeared in earlier geometric characterizations are redundant. The result is applied to the problem of existence of a continuous linear right inverse for constant coefficient partial differential operators in three variables in Beurling classes of ultradifferentiable functions.
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