Diskrepanz bezüglich gewichteter Mittel und Konvergenzverhalten von Potenzreihen. Robert F. Tichy — 1983 Manuscripta mathematica
...-Expansions, Linear Recurrences, and the Sum-of-Digits Function. Robert F. Tichy; Peter J. Grabner — 1991 Manuscripta mathematica
The Rees Congruence in Universal Algebras Robert F. Tichy — 1981 Publications de l'Institut Mathématique
Einige weitere Resultate in Analogie zu einem Gleichverteilungssatz von Koksma. Werner Georg Nowak; Robert F. Tichy — 1981 Monatshefte für Mathematik
Equidistribution and Brownian Motion on the Sierpinski Gasket. Robert F. Tichy; P. J. Grabner — 1998 Monatshefte für Mathematik
Topological Algebras of Functions of Bounded Variation I. Martin Blümlinger; Robert F. Tichy — 1989 Manuscripta mathematica
Weak Uniform Distribution of un+1 =aun + b in Dedekind Domains. Robert F. Tichy; Gerhard Turnwald — 1988 Manuscripta mathematica
Beiträge zur Diskrepanz bezüglich gewichteter Mittel. Harald Niederreiter; Robert F. Tichy — 1983 Manuscripta mathematica
C -uniform distribution of entire functions Michael Drmota; Robert F. Tichy — 1988 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
Effective solution of families of Thue equations containing several parameters Clemens Heuberger; Robert F. Tichy — 1999 Acta Arithmetica
Units generating the ring of integers of complex cubic fields Robert F. Tichy; Volker Ziegler — 2007 Colloquium Mathematicae All purely cubic fields such that their maximal order is generated by its units are determined.
Odometers and systems of numeration Peter J. Grabner; Pierre Liardet; Robert F. Tichy — 1995 Acta Arithmetica
Maldistribution in higher dimensions. Grabner, Peter J.; Strauch, Oto; Tichy, Robert F. — 1997 Mathematica Pannonica