Cauchy sequences in -groups
We investigate free groups over sequential spaces. In particular, we show that the free -group and the free sequential group over a sequential space with unique limits coincide and, barred the trivial case, their sequential order is .
The ring of all real-valued measurable functions, carrying the pointwise convergence, is a sequential ring completion of the subring of all continuous functions and, similarly, the ring of all Borel measurable subsets of is a sequential ring completion of the subring of all finite unions of half-open intervals; the two completions are not categorical. We study -rings of maps and develop a completion theory covering the two examples. In particular, the -fields of sets form an epireflective...
We show that each sequentially continuous (with respect to the pointwise convergence) normed measure on a bold algebra of fuzzy sets (Archimedean -algebra) can be uniquely extended to a sequentially continuous measure on the generated Łukasiewicz tribe and, in a natural way, the extension is maximal. We prove that for normed measures on Łukasiewicz tribes monotone (sequential) continuity implies sequential continuity, hence the assumption of sequential continuity is not restrictive. This yields...
We present a categorical approach to the extension of probabilities, i.e. normed -additive measures. J. Novák showed that each bounded -additive measure on a ring of sets is sequentially continuous and pointed out the topological aspects of the extension of such measures on over the generated -ring : it is of a similar nature as the extension of bounded continuous functions on a completely regular topological space over its Čech-Stone compactification (or as the extension of continuous...
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