The best constant in weighted Poincaré and Friedrichs inequalities
Let be an open bounded set in , with boundary, and (, ) be a weighted Morrey space. In this note we prove a weighted version of the Miranda-Talenti inequality and we exploit it to show that, under a suitable condition of Cordes type, the Dirichlet problem: has a unique strong solution in the functional space
We prove a maximum principle for linear second order elliptic systems in divergence form with discontinuous coefficients under a suitable condition on the dispersion of the eigenvalues of the coefficients matrix.
Using a Hardy-type inequality, the authors weaken certain assumptions from the paper [1] and derive existence results for equations with a stronger degeneration.
We give an example of a bounded discontinuous divergence-free solution of a linear elliptic system with measurable bounded coefficients in and a corresponding example for a .
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