On some generalized reinforced random walk on integers.
In this paper we study a random walk on an affine building of type , whose radial part, when suitably normalized, converges toward the brownian motion of the Weyl chamber. This gives a new discrete approximation of this process, alternative to the one of Biane ( (1991) 117–129). This extends also the link at the probabilistic level between riemannian symmetric spaces of the noncompact type and their discrete counterpart, which had been previously discovered by Bougerol...
The aim of this note is to describe the Poisson boundary of the group of invertible triangular matrices with coefficients in a number field. It generalizes to any dimension and to any number field a result of Brofferio concerning the Poisson boundary of random rational affinities.
We prove sharp estimates on the expected number of windings of a simple random walk on the square or triangular lattice. This gives new lower bounds on the averaged Dehn function, which measures the expected area needed to fill a random curve with a disc.
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