Characters of irreducible representations of simple Lie superalgebras.
We compute the unique nonzero cohomology group of a generic - linearized locally free -module, where is the identity component of a complex classical Lie supergroup and is an arbitrary parabolic subsupergroup. In particular we prove that for this cohomology group is an irreducible -module. As an application we generalize the character formula of typical irreducible -modules to a natural class of atypical modules arising in this way.
Let be a complex reductive Lie algebra and be any reductive in subalgebra. We call a -module bounded if the -multiplicities of are uniformly bounded. In this paper we initiate a general study of simple bounded -modules. We prove a strong necessary condition for a subalgebra to be bounded (Corollary 4.6), to admit an infinite-dimensional simple bounded -module, and then establish a sufficient condition for a subalgebra to be bounded (Theorem 5.1). As a result we are able to classify...
Let be a del Pezzo surface of degree , and let be the simple Lie group of type . We construct a locally closed embedding of a universal torsor over into the -orbit of the highest weight vector of the adjoint representation. This embedding is equivariant with respect to the action of the Néron-Severi torus of identified with a maximal torus of extended by the group of scalars. Moreover, the -invariant hyperplane sections of the torsor defined by the roots of are the inverse images...
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