On some arithmetical properties of weighted sums of S-units. Györy, K.; Mignotte, M.; Shorey, T.N. — 1990 Mathematica Pannonica
On the Diophantine equation ax...+bx...y+cy...=d and pure powers in recurrence sequences. C.L. Stewart; T.N. Shorey — 1983 Mathematica Scandinavica
On the equation a(x...-1)/(x-1)=b(y...-1)/(y-1). R. Balasubramanian; T.N. Shorey — 1980 Mathematica Scandinavica
New applications of Diophantine approximations to Diophantine equations. R. Tijdeman; T.N. Shorey — 1976 Mathematica Scandinavica
On Grimm's problem relating to factorisation of a block of consecutive integers. II. T.N. Shorey; K. Ramachandra — 1976 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
The distance between terms of an algebraic recurrence sequence. R. Tijdeman; M. Mignotte; T.N. Shorey — 1984 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Odd values of the Ramanujan τ -function M.Ram Murty; V.Kumar Murty; T.N. Shorey — 1987 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
On the equation x(x+1)... (x+k-1) = y(y+d)... (y+(mk-1)d), m=1,2 N. Saradha; T.N. Shorey; R. Tijdeman — 1995 Acta Arithmetica
On the Maximal Length of Two Sequences of Integers in Arithmetic Progressions with the Same Prime Divisors. R. Balasubramanian; T.N. Shorey; M. Langevin; M. Waldschmidt — 1996 Monatshefte für Mathematik