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Currently displaying 1 – 20 of 20

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A structure theorem for right pp-semigroups with left central idempotents

Xue Ming RenKar-Ping Shum — 2000

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

The concept of strong spined product of semigroups is introduced. We first show that a semigroup S is a rpp-semigroup with left central idempotents if and only if S is a strong semilattice of left cancellative right stripes. Then, we show that such kind of semigroups can be described by the strong spined product of a C-rpp-semigroup and a right normal band. In particular, we show that a semigroup is a rpp-semigroup with left central idempotents if and only if it is a right bin.

On super hamiltonian semigroups

Kar-Ping ShumX. M. Ren — 2004

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The concept of super hamiltonian semigroup is introduced. As a result, the structure theorems obtained by A. Cherubini and A. Varisco on quasi commutative semigroups and quasi hamiltonian semigroups respectively are extended to super hamiltonian semigroups.

Green's relations and their generalizations on semigroups

Kar-Ping ShumLan DuYuqi Guo — 2010

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

Green's relations and their generalizations on semigroups are useful in studying regular semigroups and their generalizations. In this paper, we first give a brief survey of this topic. We then give some examples to illustrate some special properties of generalized Green's relations which are related to completely regular semigroups and abundant semigroups.

Clifford semifields

Mridul K. SenSunil K. MaityKar-Ping Shum — 2004

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

It is well known that a semigroup S is a Clifford semigroup if and only if S is a strong semilattice of groups. We have recently extended this important result from semigroups to semirings by showing that a semiring S is a Clifford semiring if and only if S is a strong distributive lattice of skew-rings. In this paper, we introduce the notions of Clifford semidomain and Clifford semifield. Some structure theorems for these semirings are obtained.

On the divisibility of power LCM matrices by power GCD matrices

Jian Rong ZhaoShaofang HongQunying LiaoKar-Ping Shum — 2007

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let S = { x 1 , , x n } be a set of n distinct positive integers and e 1 an integer. Denote the n × n power GCD (resp. power LCM) matrix on S having the e -th power of the greatest common divisor ( x i , x j ) (resp. the e -th power of the least common multiple [ x i , x j ] ) as the ( i , j ) -entry of the matrix by ( ( x i , x j ) e ) (resp. ( [ x i , x j ] e ) ) . We call the set S an odd gcd closed (resp. odd lcm closed) set if every element in S is an odd number and ( x i , x j ) S (resp. [ x i , x j ] S ) for all 1 i , j n . In studying the divisibility of the power LCM and power GCD matrices, Hong conjectured in 2004 that...

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