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Jung constants of Orlicz function spaces.

Zhongdao RenShutao Chen — 1997

Collectanea Mathematica

Estimation of the Jung constants of Orlicz function spaces equipped with either Luxemburg norm or Orlicz norm is given. The exact values of the Jung constants of a class of reflexive Orlicz function spaces have been found by using a new quantitative index of N-functions.

Normal structure and weakly normal structure of Orlicz spaces

Shutao ChenYanzheng Duan — 1991

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Every Orlicz space equipped with Orlicz norm has weak sum property, therefore, it has weakly normal structure and fixed point property. A criterion of sum property also of normal structure for such spaces is given as well, which shows that every Orlicz space has isonormal structure.

Extreme compact operators from Orlicz spaces to C ( Ω )

Shutao ChenMarek Wisła — 1993

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let E ϕ ( μ ) be the subspace of finite elements of an Orlicz space endowed with the Luxemburg norm. The main theorem says that a compact linear operator T : E ϕ ( μ ) C ( Ω ) is extreme if and only if T * ω Ext B ( ( E ϕ ( μ ) ) * ) on a dense subset of Ω , where Ω is a compact Hausdorff topological space and T * ω , x = ( T x ) ( ω ) . This is done via the description of the extreme points of the space of continuous functions C ( Ω , L ϕ ( μ ) ) , L ϕ ( μ ) being an Orlicz space equipped with the Orlicz norm (conjugate to the Luxemburg one). There is also given a theorem on closedness of the set of extreme...

Geometry of Orlicz spaces

Chen Shutao — 1996

CONTENTSPreface..............................................................................................................................4Introduction........................................................................................................................51. Orlicz spaces..................................................................................................................6 1.1. Orlicz functions...........................................................................................................6 1.2....

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