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Hexavalent ( G , s ) -transitive graphs

Song-Tao GuoXiao-Hui HuaYan-Tao Li — 2013

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let X be a finite simple undirected graph with a subgroup G of the full automorphism group Aut ( X ) . Then X is said to be ( G , s ) -transitive for a positive integer s , if G is transitive on s -arcs but not on ( s + 1 ) -arcs, and s -transitive if it is ( Aut ( X ) , s ) -transitive. Let G v be a stabilizer of a vertex v V ( X ) in G . Up to now, the structures of vertex stabilizers G v of cubic, tetravalent or pentavalent ( G , s ) -transitive graphs are known. Thus, in this paper, we give the structure of the vertex stabilizers G v of connected hexavalent ( G , s ) -transitive...

A note on solvable vertex stabilizers of s -transitive graphs of prime valency

Song-Tao GuoHailong HouYong Xu — 2015

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A graph X , with a group G of automorphisms of X , is said to be ( G , s ) -transitive, for some s 1 , if G is transitive on s -arcs but not on ( s + 1 ) -arcs. Let X be a connected ( G , s ) -transitive graph of prime valency p 5 , and G v the vertex stabilizer of a vertex v V ( X ) . Suppose that G v is solvable. Weiss (1974) proved that | G v | p ( p - 1 ) 2 . In this paper, we prove that G v ( p m ) × n for some positive integers m and n such that n div m and m p - 1 .

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