Skula spaces
For a cardinal , we say that a subset of a space is -compact in if for every continuous function , is a compact subset of . If is a -compact subset of a space , then denotes the degree of -compactness of in . A space is called -pseudocompact if is -compact into itself. For each cardinal , we give an example of an -pseudocompact space such that is not pseudocompact: this answers a question posed by T. Retta in “Some cardinal generalizations of pseudocompactness”...
We construct a completely regular ordered space such that is an -space, the topology of is metrizable and the bitopological space is pairwise regular, but not pairwise completely regular. (Here denotes the upper topology and the lower topology of .)
It is proved that every non trivial continuous map between the sets of extremal elements of monotone sequential cascades can be continuously extended to some subcascades. This implies a result of Franklin and Rajagopalan that an Arens space cannot be continuously non trivially mapped to an Arens space of higher rank. As an application, it is proved that if for a filter on , the class of -radial topologies contains each sequential topology, then it includes the class of subsequential topologies....
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