A note on a theorem of C. L. Siegel concerning Bessel's equation Steven B. Bank — 1982 Compositio Mathematica
Some Results on Hypertranscendental Meromorphic Functions. Steven B. Bank — 1980 Monatshefte für Mathematik
On Certain Properties of Soloutions of Second-Order Linear Differential Equations. Steven B. Bank — 1982 Monatshefte für Mathematik
On the existence of meromorphic solutions of differential equations having arbitarily rapid growth. Steven B. Bank — 1976 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
On the location of zeros of solutions of non-homogeneous linear differential equations Steven B. Bank — 1994 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
On oscillation, continuation, and asymptotic expansions of solutions of linear differential equations Steven B. Bank — 1991 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
A general theorem concerning the growth of solutions of first-order algebraic differential equations Steven B. Bank — 1972 Compositio Mathematica
An existence theorem for certain solutions of algebraic differential equations in sectors Steven B. Bank — 1974 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
A note on the oscillation of solutions of periodic linear differential equations Steven B. Bank — 1994 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
A Note on Hölder's Theorem Concerning the Gamma Function. Steven B. Bank; Robert P. Kaufman — 1978 Mathematische Annalen
On the Value Distribution Theory of Elliptic Functions. Steven B. Bank; J.K. Langley — 1984 Monatshefte für Mathematik
On differential euqations and functional equations. Steven B. Bank; Robert P. Kaufman — 1979 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Representations of solutions of periodic second order linear differential equations. Ilpo Laine; Steven B. Bank — 1983 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
On the Weierstrass functions, Sigma, Zeta, Pe, and their functional and differential equations. (Short Communication). Steven B. Bank; Robert P. Kaufman — 1977 Aequationes mathematicae
On the Weierstrass functions, Sigma, Zeta, Pe, and their functional and differential equations. Steven B. Bank; Robert P. Kaufman — 1977 Aequationes mathematicae
On Meromorphic Solutions of First-Order Differential Equations Steven B. Bank; Robert P. Kaufman — 1976 Commentarii mathematici Helvetici
On the zeros of meromorphic solutions of second-order linear differential equations. Ilpo Laine; Steven B. Bank — 1983 Commentarii mathematici Helvetici