Characterizations of snowflake metric spaces.
We study the bi-Lipschitz embedding problem for metric compacta hyperspaces. We observe that the compacta hyperspace K(X) of any separable, uniformly disconnected metric space X admits a bi-Lipschitz embedding in ℓ². If X is a countable compact metric space containing at most n nonisolated points, there is a Lipschitz embedding of K(X) in ; in the presence of an additional convergence condition, this embedding may be chosen to be bi-Lipschitz. By way of contrast, the hyperspace K([0,1]) of the...
The Sierpinski gasket and other self-similar fractal subsets of R, d ≥ 2, can be mapped by quasiconformal self-maps of R onto sets of Hausdorff dimension arbitrarily close to one. In R we construct explicit mappings. In R, d ≥ 3, the results follow from general theorems on the equivalence of invariant sets for iterated function systems under quasisymmetric maps and global quasiconformal maps. More specifically, we present geometric conditions ensuring that (i) isomorphic systems have quasisymmetrically...
According to a theorem of Martio, Rickman and Väisälä, all nonconstant C-smooth quasiregular maps in , ≥3, are local homeomorphisms. Bonk and Heinonen proved that the order of smoothness is sharp in . We prove that the order of smoothness is sharp in . For each ≥5 we construct a C-smooth quasiregular map in with nonempty branch set.
We quantify the extent to which a supercritical Sobolev mapping can increase the dimension of subsets of its domain, in the setting of metric measure spaces supporting a Poincaré inequality. We show that the set of mappings that distort the dimensions of sets by the maximum possible amount is a prevalent subset of the relevant function space. For foliations of a metric space X defined by a David–Semmes regular mapping Π : X → W, we quantitatively estimate, in terms of Hausdorff dimension in W, the...
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