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Several notes on the circumradius condition

Václav Kučera — 2016

Applications of Mathematics

Recently, the so-called circumradius condition (or estimate) was derived, which is a new estimate of the W 1 , p -error of linear Lagrange interpolation on triangles in terms of their circumradius. The published proofs of the estimate are rather technical and do not allow clear, simple insight into the results. In this paper, we give a simple direct proof of the p = case. This allows us to make several observations such as on the optimality of the circumradius estimate. Furthermore, we show how the case...

A note on necessary and sufficient conditions for convergence of the finite element method

Kučera, Václav — 2015

Application of Mathematics 2015

In this short note, we present several ideas and observations concerning finite element convergence and the role of the maximum angle condition. Based on previous work, we formulate a hypothesis concerning a necessary condition for O ( h ) convergence and show a simple relation to classical problems in measure theory and differential geometry which could lead to new insights in the area.

A new reconstruction-enhanced discontinuous Galerkin method for time-dependent problems

Kučera, Václav — 2010

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

This work is concerned with the introduction of a new numerical scheme based on the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method. We propose to follow the methodology of higher order finite volume schemes and introduce a reconstruction operator into the DG scheme. This operator constructs higher order piecewise polynomial reconstructions from the lower order DG scheme. Such a procedure was proposed already in [2] based on heuristic arguments, however we provide a rigorous derivation, which justifies the increased...

The Bernoulli shift as a basic chaotic dynamical system

Kučera, Václav — 2019

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

We give a brief introduction to the Bernoulli shift map as a basic chaotic dynamical system. We give several examples where the iterates of a~mapping can be understood using the Bernoulli shift. Namely, the iteration of real interval maps and iteration of quadratic functions in the complex plain.

Error estimates for nonlinear convective problems in the finite element method

Kučera, Václav — 2013

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

We describe the basic ideas needed to obtain apriori error estimates for a nonlinear convection diffusion equation discretized by higher order conforming finite elements. For simplicity of presentation, we derive the key estimates under simplified assumptions, e.g. Dirichlet-only boundary conditions. The resulting error estimate is obtained using continuous mathematical induction for the space semi-discrete scheme.

On numerical solution of compressible flow in time-dependent domains

The paper deals with numerical simulation of a compressible flow in time-dependent 2D domains with a special interest in medical applications to airflow in the human vocal tract. The mathematical model of this process is described by the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. For the treatment of the time-dependent domain, the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method is used. The discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (DGFEM) is used for the space semidiscretization of the governing equations...

Godunov-like numerical fluxes for conservation laws on networks

Vacek, LukášKučera, Václav — 2023

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

We describe a numerical technique for the solution of macroscopic traffic flow models on networks of roads. On individual roads, we consider the standard Lighthill-Whitham-Richards model which is discretized using the discontinuous Galerkin method along with suitable limiters. In order to solve traffic flows on networks, we construct suitable numerical fluxes at junctions based on preferences of the drivers. Numerical experiment comparing different approaches is presented.

Discontinuous Galerkin method for a 2D nonlocal flocking model

Kučera, VáclavZivčáková, Andrea — 2017

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

We present our work on the numerical solution of a continuum model of flocking dynamics in two spatial dimensions. The model consists of the compressible Euler equations with a nonlinear nonlocal term which requires special treatment. We use a semi-implicit discontinuous Galerkin scheme, which proves to be efficient enough to produce results in 2D in reasonable time. This work is a direct extension of the authors' previous work in 1D.

Numerical solution of a new hydrodynamic model of flocking

Kučera, VáclavŽivčáková, Andrea — 2015

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

This work is concerned with the numerical solution of a hydrodynamic model of the macroscopic behavior of flocks of birds due to Fornasier et al., 2011. The model consists of the compressible Euler equations with an added nonlocal, nonlinear right-hand side. As noticed by the authors of the model, explicit time schemes are practically useless even on very coarse grids in 1D due to the nonlocal nature of the equations. To this end, we apply a semi-implicit discontinuous Galerkin method to solve the...

Construction of fluxes at junctions for the numerical solution of traffic flow models on networks

Vacek, LukášKučera, Václav — 2021

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

We deal with the simulation of traffic flow on networks. On individual roads we use standard macroscopic traffic models. The discontinuous Galerkin method in space and explicit Euler method in time is used for the numerical solution. We apply limiters to keep the density in an admissible interval as well as prevent spurious oscillations in the numerical solution. To solve traffic networks, we construct suitable numerical fluxes at junctions. Numerical experiments are presented.

Numerical optimization of parameters in systems of differential equations

Martínek, JosefKučera, Václav — 2023

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

We present results on the estimation of unknown parameters in systems of ordinary differential equations in order to fit the output of models to real data. The numerical method is based on the nonlinear least squares problem along with the solution of sensitivity equations corresponding to the differential equations. We will present the performance of the method on the problem of fitting the output of basic compartmental epidemic models to data from the Covid-19 epidemic. This allows us to draw...

The numerical solution of compressible flows in time dependent domains

Kučera, VáclavČesenek, Jan — 2008

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

This work is concerned with the numerical solution of inviscid compressible fluid flow in moving domains. Specifically, we assume that the boundary part of the domain (impermeable walls) are time dependent. We consider the Euler equations, which describe the movement of inviscid compressible fluids. We present two formulations of the Euler equations in the ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) form. These two formulations are discretized in space by the discontinuous Galerkin method. We apply a semi-implicit linearization...

Low-Mach consistency of a class of linearly implicit schemes for the compressible Euler equations

Kučera, VáclavLukáčová-Medviďová, MáriaNoelle, SebastianSchütz, Jochen — 2021

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

In this note, we give an overview of the authors’ paper [6] which deals with asymptotic consistency of a class of linearly implicit schemes for the compressible Euler equations. This class is based on a linearization of the nonlinear fluxes at a reference state and includes the scheme of Feistauer and Kučera [3] as well as the class of RS-IMEX schemes [8,5,1] as special cases. We prove that the linearization gives an asymptotically consistent solution in the low-Mach limit under the assumption of...

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