On Some Extremal Problems in Banach Spaces.
The notion of functions dependent locally on finitely many coordinates plays an important role in the theory of smoothness and renormings on Banach spaces, especially when higher smoothness (C) is involved. In this note we survey most of the main results in this area, and indicate many old as well as new open problems.
This is a short survey on some recent as well as classical results and open problems in smoothness and renormings of Banach spaces. Applications in general topology and nonlinear analysis are considered. A few new results and new proofs are included. An effort has been made that a young researcher may enjoy going through it without any special pre-requisites and get a feeling about this area of Banach space theory. Many open problems of different level of difficulty are discussed. For the reader...
Every separable Banach space with -smooth norm (Lipschitz bump function) admits an equivalent norm (a Lipschitz bump function) which is both uniformly Gâteaux smooth and -smooth. If a Banach space admits a uniformly Gâteaux smooth bump function, then it admits an equivalent uniformly Gâteaux smooth norm.
The strong subdifferentiability of norms (i.eȯne-sided differentiability uniform in directions) is studied in connection with some structural properties of Banach spaces. It is shown that every separable Banach space with nonseparable dual admits a norm that is nowhere strongly subdifferentiable except at the origin. On the other hand, every Banach space with a strongly subdifferentiable norm is Asplund.
The inverse Fast Fourier Transform is a common procedure to solve a convolution equation provided the transfer function has no zeros on the unit circle. In our paper we generalize this method to the case of a singular convolution equation and prove that if the transfer function is a trigonometric polynomial with simple zeros on the unit circle, then this method can be extended.
It is shown that every strongly lattice norm on can be approximated by smooth norms. We also show that there is no lattice and Gâteaux differentiable norm on .
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