Bases in bornological spaces
We give a representation of the spaces as spaces of vector-valued sequences and use it to investigate their topological properties and isomorphic classification. In particular, it is proved that is isomorphic to the sequence space , thereby showing that the isomorphy class does not depend on the dimension N if p=2.
CONTENTSIntroduction............................................................................................................ 51. Preliminaries............................................................................................................. 82. Embedding into into (n>1).......................................... 103. The case n = 1.......................................................................................................... 284. Embedding into ...............................................................
We give some general exact sequences for quojections from which many interesting representation results for standard twisted quojections can be deduced. Then the methods are also generalized to the case of nuclear Fréchet spaces.
We prove that the direct sum and the product of countably many copies of L[0, 1] are primary locally convex spaces. We also give some related results.
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