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Non-linear Chandrasekhar-Bénard convectionin temperature-dependent variable viscosity Boussinesq-Stokes suspension fluid with variable heat source/sink

The generalized Lorenz model for non-linear stability of Rayleigh-Bénard magneto-convection is derived in the present paper. The Boussinesq-Stokes suspension fluid in the presence of variable viscosity (temperature-dependent viscosity) and internal heat source/sink is considered in this study. The influence of various parameters like suspended particles, applied vertical magnetic field, and the temperature-dependent heat source/sink has been analyzed. It is found that the basic state of the temperature...

The effect of a magnetic field on the onset of Bénard convection in variable viscosity couple-stress fluids using classical Lorenz model

The Rayleigh-Bénard convection for a couple-stress fluid with a thermorheological effect in the presence of an applied magnetic field is studied using both linear and non-linear stability analysis. This problem discusses the three important mechanisms that control the onset of convection; namely, suspended particles, an applied magnetic field, and variable viscosity. It is found that the thermorheological parameter, the couple-stress parameter, and the Chandrasekhar number influence the onset of...

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