Sui fibrati analitici reali -principali. II. - Teoremi di classificazione
Let be a coherent sheaf over a compact reduced complex space , the linear fiber space associated with , the k-th symmetric power of . We show that if the zero-section of is exceptional, then for every coherent sheaf on and for and sufficiently large k. Using this result, we deduce that, if moreover , then is a Moišezon space.
On every reduced complex space we construct a family of complexes of soft sheaves ; each of them is a resolution of the constant sheaf and induces the ordinary De Rham complex of differential forms on a dense open analytic subset of . The construction is functorial (in a suitable sense). Moreover each of the above complexes can fully describe the mixed Hodge structure of Deligne on a compact algebraic variety.
Si dimostra la versione analitica dei teoremi di M. Artin sull'esistenza delle modificazioni nella categoria degli spazi algebrici (cfr. [2]).
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