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Travelling graphs for the forced mean curvature motion in an arbitrary space dimension

Régis MonneauJean-Michel RoquejoffreViolaine Roussier-Michon — 2013

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We construct travelling wave graphs of the form z = - c t + φ ( x ) , φ : x N - 1 φ ( x ) , N 2 , solutions to the N -dimensional forced mean curvature motion V n = - c 0 + κ ( c c 0 ) with prescribed asymptotics. For any 1 -homogeneous function φ , viscosity solution to the eikonal equation | D φ | = ( c / c 0 ) 2 - 1 , we exhibit a smooth concave solution to the forced mean curvature motion whose asymptotics is driven by  φ . We also describe φ in terms of a probability measure on  § N - 2 .

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