The domination number γ(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of vertices in a set D such that every vertex of the graph is either in D or is adjacent to a member of D. Any dominating set D of a graph G with |D| = γ(G) is called a γ-set of G. A vertex x of a graph G is called: (i) γ-good if x belongs to some γ-set and (ii) γ-bad if x belongs to no γ-set. The bondage number b(G) of a nonempty graph G is the cardinality of a smallest set of edges whose removal from G results in a graph with domination...
For a graph property and a graph , we define the domination subdivision number with respect to the property to be the minimum number of edges that must be subdivided (where each edge in can be subdivided at most once) in order to change the domination number with respect to the property . In this paper we obtain upper bounds in terms of maximum degree and orientable/non-orientable genus for the domination subdivision number with respect to an induced-hereditary property, total domination...
In this paper we present results on changing and unchanging of the domination number with respect to the nondegenerate property , denoted by , when a graph is modified by deleting a vertex or deleting edges. A graph is -critical if for any set with . Properties of -critical graphs are studied. The plus bondage number with respect to the property , denoted , is the cardinality of the smallest set of edges such that . Some known results for ordinary domination and bondage numbers...
For a graphical property and a graph , a subset of vertices of is a -set if the subgraph induced by has the property . The domination number with respect to the property , is the minimum cardinality of a dominating -set. In this paper we present results on changing and unchanging of the domination number with respect to the nondegenerate and hereditary properties when a graph is modified by adding an edge or deleting a vertex.
The paper studies minimal acyclic dominating sets, acyclic domination number and upper acyclic domination number in graphs having cut-vertices.
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