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A tropical view on Bruhat-Tits buildings and their compactifications

Annette Werner — 2011

Open Mathematics

We relate some features of Bruhat-Tits buildings and their compactifications to tropical geometry. If G is a semisimple group over a suitable non-Archimedean field, the stabilizers of points in the Bruhat-Tits building of G and in some of its compactifications are described by tropical linear algebra. The compactifications we consider arise from algebraic representations of G. We show that the fan which is used to compactify an apartment in this theory is given by the weight polytope of the representation...

Bruhat-Tits theory from Berkovich’s point of view. I. Realizations and compactifications of buildings

Bertrand RémyAmaury ThuillierAnnette Werner — 2010

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We investigate Bruhat-Tits buildings and their compactifications by means of Berkovich analytic geometry over complete non-Archimedean fields. For every reductive group G over a suitable non-Archimedean field k we define a map from the Bruhat-Tits building ( G , k ) to the Berkovich analytic space G an associated with G . Composing this map with the projection of G an to its flag varieties, we define a family of compactifications of ( G , k ) . This generalizes results by Berkovich in the case of split groups. Moreover,...

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