Zero-sum bipartite Ramsey numbers
A degree monotone path in a graph G is a path P such that the sequence of degrees of the vertices in the order in which they appear on P is monotonic. The length (number of vertices) of the longest degree monotone path in G is denoted by mp(G). This parameter, inspired by the well-known Erdős- Szekeres theorem, has been studied by the authors in two earlier papers. Here we consider a saturation problem for the parameter mp(G). We call G saturated if, for every edge e added to G, mp(G + e) > mp(G),...
A constrained colouring or, more specifically, an (α, β)-colouring of a hypergraph H, is an assignment of colours to its vertices such that no edge of H contains less than α or more than β vertices with different colours. This notion, introduced by Bujtás and Tuza, generalises both classical hypergraph colourings and more general Voloshin colourings of hypergraphs. In fact, for r-uniform hypergraphs, classical colourings correspond to (2, r)-colourings while an important instance of Voloshin colourings...
For a graph G, a positive integer k, k ≥ 2, and a non-negative integer with z < k and z ≠ 1, a subset D of the vertex set V(G) is said to be a non-z (mod k) dominating set if D is a dominating set and for all x ∈ V(G), |N[x]∩D| ≢ z (mod k).For the case k = 2 and z = 0, it has been shown that these sets exist for all graphs. The problem for k ≥ 3 is unknown (the existence for even values of k and z = 0 follows from the k = 2 case.) It is the purpose of this paper to show that for k ≥ 3 and with...
Let G = (V,E) be a simple, undirected graph. A set of vertices D is called an odd dominating set if |N[v] ∩ D| ≡ 1 (mod 2) for every vertex v ∈ V(G). The minimum cardinality of an odd dominating set is called the odd domination number of G, denoted by γ₁(G). In this paper, several algorithmic and structural results are presented on this parameter for grids, complements of powers of cycles, and other graph classes as well as for more general forms of "residue" domination.
An odd dominating set of a simple, undirected graph G = (V,E) is a set of vertices D ⊆ V such that |N[v] ∩ D| ≡ 1 mod 2 for all vertices v ∈ V. It is known that every graph has an odd dominating set. In this paper we consider the concept of connected odd dominating sets. We prove that the problem of deciding if a graph has a connected odd dominating set is NP-complete. We also determine the existence or non-existence of such sets in several classes of graphs. Among other results, we prove there...
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