A graph is called 1-planar if there exists a drawing in the plane so that each edge contains at most one crossing. We study maximal 1-planar graphs from the point of view of properties of their diagrams, local structure and hamiltonicity.
The looseness of a triangulation G on a closed surface F2, denoted by ξ (G), is defined as the minimum number k such that for any surjection c : V (G) → {1, 2, . . . , k + 3}, there is a face uvw of G with c(u), c(v) and c(w) all distinct. We shall bound ξ (G) for triangulations G on closed surfaces by the independence number of G denoted by α(G). In particular, for a triangulation G on the sphere, we have [...] and this bound is sharp. For a triangulation G on a non-spherical surface F2, we have...
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