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Frequency analysis of preconditioned waveform relaxation iterations

Andrzej AugustynowiczZdzisław Jackiewicz — 1999

Applicationes Mathematicae

The error analysis of preconditioned waveform relaxation iterations for differential systems is presented. This analysis extends and refines previous results by Burrage, Jackiewicz, Nørsett and Renaut by incorporating all terms in the expansion of the error of waveform relaxation iterations in the Laplace transform domain. Lower bounds for the size of the window of rapid convergence are also obtained. The theory is illustrated for waveform relaxation methods applied to differential systems resulting...

The numerical solution of boundary-value problems for differential equations with state dependent deviating arguments

Vernon L. BakkeZdzisław Jackiewicz — 1989

Aplikace matematiky

A numerical method for the solution of a second order boundary value problem for differential equation with state dependent deviating argument is studied. Second-order convergence is established and a theorem about the asymptotic expansion of global discretization error is given. This theorem makes it possible to improve the accuracy of the numerical solution by using Richardson extrapolation which results in a convergent method of order three. This is in contrast to boundary value problems for...

Stability analysis of reducible quadrature methods for Volterra integro-differential equations

Vernon L. BakkeZdzisław Jackiewicz — 1987

Aplikace matematiky

Stability analysis for numerical solutions of Voltera integro-differential equations based on linear multistep methods combined with reducible quadrature rules is presented. The results given are based on the test equation y ' ( t ) = γ y ( t ) + 0 t ( λ + μ t + v s ) y ( s ) d s and absolute stability is deffined in terms of the real parameters γ , λ , μ and v . Sufficient conditions are illustrated for ( 0 ; 0 ) - methods and for combinations of Adams-Moulton and backward differentiation methods.

Explicit two-step Runge-Kutta methods

Zdzisław JackiewiczRosemary Anne RenautMarino Zennaro — 1995

Applications of Mathematics

The explicit two-step Runge-Kutta (TSRK) formulas for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations are analyzed. The order conditions are derived and the construction of such methods based on some simplifying assumptions is described. Order barriers are also presented. It turns out that for order p 5 the minimal number of stages for explicit TSRK method of order p is equal to the minimal number of stages for explicit Runge-Kutta method of order p - 1 . Numerical results are presented which...

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