Existence of almost periodic solutions for Hopfield neural networks with continuously distributed delays and impulses.
By using some analytical techniques, modified inequalities and Mawhin's continuation theorem of coincidence degree theory, some sufficient conditions for the existence of at least one positive almost periodic solution of a kind of fishing model with delay are obtained. Further, the global attractivity of the positive almost periodic solution of this model is also considered. Finally, three examples are given to illustrate the main results of this paper.
By using the semi-discrete method of differential equations, a new version of discrete analogue of stochastic shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks (SICNNs) is formulated, which gives a more accurate characterization for continuous-time stochastic SICNNs than that by Euler scheme. Firstly, the existence of the 2th mean almost periodic sequence solution of the discrete-time stochastic SICNNs is investigated with the help of Minkowski inequality, Hölder inequality and Krasnoselskii's fixed...
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