En utilisant la version de Spencer-Goldschmidt du théorème de Cartan-Kähler nous étudions les conditions nécessaires et suffisantes pour qu’un système d’équations différentielles ordinaires du second ordre soit le système d’Euler-Lagrange associé à un lagrangien régulier. Dans la thèse de Z. Muzsnay cette technique a été déjà appliquée pour donner une version moderne du papier classique de Douglas qui traite le cas de la dimension 2. Ici nous considérons le cas où la dimension est arbitraire, nous...
A. Rapcsák obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for the projective Finsler metrizability in terms of a second order partial differential system. In this paper we investigate the integrability of the Rapcsák system and the extended Rapcsák system, by using the Spencer version of the Cartan-Kähler theorem. We also consider the extended Rapcsák system completed with the curvature condition. We prove that in the non-isotropic case there is a nontrivial Spencer cohomology group in the sequences...
Our goal in this paper is to make an attempt to find the largest Lie algebra of vector fields on the indicatrix such that all its elements are tangent to the holonomy group of a Finsler manifold. First, we introduce the notion of the curvature algebra, generated by curvature vector fields, then we define the infinitesimal holonomy algebra by the smallest Lie algebra of vector fields on an indicatrix, containing the curvature vector fields and their horizontal covariant derivatives with respect to...
The aim of this paper is to determine explicitly the algebraic structure of the curvature algebra of the 3-dimensional Heisenberg group with left invariant cubic metric. We show, that this curvature algebra is an infinite dimensional graded Lie subalgebra of the generalized Witt algebra of homogeneous vector fields generated by three elements.
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