An abstract characterization of ...-conditional expectations.
The topology and the structure of the set of the canonical extensions of positive, weakly continuous functionals from a von Neumann subalgebra to a von Neumann algebra M are described.
The aim of this paper is to study markovianity for states on von Neumann algebras generated by the union of (not necessarily commutative) von Neumann subagebras which commute with each other. This study has been already begun in [2] using several a priori different notions of noncommutative markovianity. In this paper we assume to deal with the particular case of states which define odd stochastic couplings (as developed in [3]) for all couples of von Neumann algebras involved. In this situation...
In previous papers we introduced and studied the extension of a state defined on a von Neumann subalgebra to the whole of the von Neumann algebra with respect to a given state. This was done by using the standard form of von Neumann algebras. In the case of the existence of a norm one projection from the algebra to the subalgebra preserving the given state our construction is simply equivalent to taking the composition with the norm one projection. In this paper we study couples of von Neumann subalgebras...
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