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Coherent nonlinear waves and the Wiener algebra

Guy MétivierJean-Luc JolyJeffrey Rauch — 1994

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We study oscillatory solutions of semilinear first order symmetric hyperbolic system L u = f ( t , x , u , u ) , with real analytic f . The main advance in this paper is that it treats multidimensional problems with profiles that are almost periodic in T , X with only the natural hypothesis of coherence. In the special case where L has constant coefficients and the phases are linear, the solutions have asymptotic description u ϵ = U ( t , x , t / ϵ , x / ϵ ) + o ( 1 ) where the profile U ( t , x , T , X ) is almost periodic in ( T , X ) . ...

Nonlinear Hyperbolic Smoothing at a Focal Point

Jean-Luc JolyGuy MétivierJeffrey Rauch

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

The nonlinear dissipative wave equation u t t - Δ u + | u t | h - 1 u t = 0 in dimension d > 1 has strong solutions with the following structure. In 0 t < 1 the solutions have a focusing wave of singularity on the incoming light cone | x | = 1 - t . In { t 1 } that is after the focusing time, they are smoother than they were in { 0 t < 1 } . The examples are radial and piecewise smooth in { 0 t < 1 }

Sharp Domains of Determinacy and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations

Jean-Luc JolyGuy MétivierJeffrey Rauch

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

If L ( t , x , t , x ) is a linear hyperbolic system of partial differential operators for which local uniqueness in the Cauchy problem at spacelike hypersurfaces is known, we find nearly optimal domains of determinacy of open sets Ω 0 { t = 0 } . The frozen constant coefficient operators L ( t ̲ , x ̲ , t , x ) determine local convex propagation cones, Γ + ( t ̲ , x ̲ ) . Influence curves are curves whose tangent always lies in these cones. We prove that the set of points Ω which cannot be reached by influence curves beginning in the exterior of Ω 0 is a domain of...

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