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Un nuevo resultado sobre la complejidad del problema del p-centro.

José Andrés Moreno Pérez — 1990

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

Sea G un grafo no dirigido con n vértices y m aristas. Un p-Centro de G es un conjunto de p puntos en el que se minimiza la distancia al vértice más lejano. Esta distancia mínima es el p-Radio de G. Un Centro Local es un punto c a la misma distancia (llamada rango del centro local) de un conjunto no vacío de vértices que no son todos accesibles a través de un mismo vértice adyacente a c. Todo p-radio es el rango de algún centro local, por tanto, para resolver el problema del p-centro basta encontrar...

On the primary orbits of star maps (first part)

Lluis AlsedàJose Miguel Moreno — 2002

Applicationes Mathematicae

This paper is the first one of a series of two, in which we characterize a class of primary orbits of self maps of the 4-star with the branching point fixed. This class of orbits plays, for such maps, the same role as the directed primary orbits of self maps of the 3-star with the branching point fixed. Some of the primary orbits (namely, those having at most one coloured arrow) are characterized at once for the general case of n-star maps.

Multiplication of convex sets in C(K) spaces

José Pedro MorenoRolf Schneider — 2016

Studia Mathematica

Let C(K) denote the Banach algebra of continuous real functions, with the supremum norm, on a compact Hausdorff space K. For two subsets of C(K), one can define their product by pointwise multiplication, just as the Minkowski sum of the sets is defined by pointwise addition. Our main interest is in correlations between properties of the product of closed order intervals in C(K) and properties of the underlying space K. When K is finite, the product of two intervals in C(K) is always an interval....

An specification language for fuzzy systems.

This work presents the main features of XFL3, a language for fuzzy system specification, which has been defined as the common description languaje for the tools forming the Xfuzzy 3.0 development environment. Its main advantages are its capability to admit user-defined membership functions, parametric operators, and linguistic hedges. A brief summary of the tools included in Xfuzzy 3.0 and an example illustrating the use of XFL3 are also included.

On location problems on fuzzy graphs.

José A. Moreno PérezJ. Marcos Moreno-VegaJosé Luis Verdegay — 2001

Mathware and Soft Computing

Location problems concern a wide set of fields where it is usually assumed that exact data are known. However, in real applications, the location of the facility considered can be full of linguistic vagueness, that can be appropriately modeled using networks with fuzzy values. In that way arise Fuzzy Location Problems; this paper deals with their general formulation and the description solution methods. Namely we show the variety of problems that can be considered in this context and, for some of...

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