On the 2 Very Ampleness of the Adjoint Bundle. M. Andreatta; M. Palleschi — 1991 Manuscripta mathematica
On the adjunction process over a surface in char. p II: the singular case. M. Andreatta; E. Ballico — 1991 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
On the adjunction process over a surface in char p. M. Andreatta; E. Ballico — 1988 Manuscripta mathematica
Classification of irreducible projective surfaces of smooth sectional genus ... 3. M. Andreatta; A.J. Sommese — 1990 Mathematica Scandinavica
Classification of projective surfaces with small sectional genus : char p > 0 M. Andreatta; E. Ballico — 1990 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
On the projective normality of the adjunction bundles. Andrew J. Sommese; M. Andreatta — 1991 Commentarii mathematici Helvetici