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High-order angles in almost-Riemannian geometry

Ugo BoscainMario Sigalotti

Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie

Let X and Y be two smooth vector fields on a two-dimensional manifold M . If X and Y are everywhere linearly independent, then they define a Riemannian metric on M (the metric for which they are orthonormal) and they give to M the structure of metric space. If X and Y become linearly dependent somewhere on M , then the corresponding Riemannian metric has singularities, but under generic conditions the metric structure is still well defined. Metric structures that can be defined locally in this way...

The squares of the Laplacian-Dirichlet eigenfunctions are generically linearly independent

Yannick PrivatMario Sigalotti — 2010

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The paper deals with the genericity of domain-dependent spectral properties of the Laplacian-Dirichlet operator. In particular we prove that, generically, the squares of the eigenfunctions form a free family. We also show that the spectrum is generically non-resonant. The results are obtained by applying global perturbations of the domains and exploiting analytic perturbation properties. The work is motivated by two applications: an existence result for the problem of maximizing the rate of...

Stabilité des systèmes à commutations du plan

Ugo BoscainGrégoire CharlotMario Sigalotti

Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie

Soient X et Y deux champs de vecteurs lisses sur 2 globalement asymptotiquement stables à l’origine. Nous donnons des conditions nécessaires et des conditions suffisantes sur la topologie de l’ensemble des points où X et Y sont parallèles pour pouvoir assurer la stabilité asymptotique globale du système contrôlé non linéaire non autonome q ˙ ( t ) = u ( t ) X ( q ( t ) ) + ( 1 - u ( t ) ) Y ( q ( t ) ) où le contrôle u est une fonction mesurable arbitraire de [ 0 , + [ dans { 0 , 1 } . Les conditions données ne nécessitent aucune intégration ou construction...

Controllability properties of a class of systems modeling swimming microscopic organisms

Mario SigalottiJean-Claude Vivalda — 2010

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider a finite-dimensional model for the motion of microscopic organisms whose propulsion exploits the action of a layer of covering its surface. The model couples Newton's laws driving the organism, considered as a rigid body, with Stokes equations governing the surrounding fluid. The action of the is described by a set of controlled velocity fields on the surface of the organism. The first contribution of the paper is the proof that such a system is generically controllable when...

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