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Congruences between modular forms and related modules

Miriam Ciavarella — 2006

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We fix a prime and let M be an integer such that M ; let f S 2 ( Γ 1 ( M 2 ) ) be a newform supercuspidal of fixed type at and special at a finite set of primes. For an indefinite quaternion algebra over Q , of discriminant dividing the level of f , there is a local quaternionic Hecke algebra T associated to f . The algebra T acts on a module M f coming from the cohomology of a Shimura curve. Applying the Taylor-Wiles criterion and a recent Savitt's theorem, T is the universal deformation ring of a global Galois deformation...

Eisenstein ideal and reducible λ -adic Representations Unramified Outside a Finite Number of Primes.

Miriam Ciavarella — 2006

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

The object of this note is to study certain 2-dimensional λ -adic representations of Gal ( Q ¯ / Q ) ; fixed p 1 , , p n distinct primes, we will consider representations ρ : G G L 2 ( A ) , given by the matrix ρ = ( a b c d ) which are unramified outside p 1 , , p n , and the residue characteristic of λ , which are a product of m representations over finite extensions of the ring of Witt vectors of the residue field and which are reducible modulo λ . In analogy with the theory of the modular representations, we will introduce the analogue of Mazur's Hecke algebra...

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