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Russian Translations and Translators of Western European works (XVIII - early twentieth century) devoted to the history of mathematics

Natalia Vasilievna Lokot — 2019

Antiquitates Mathematicae

This work is a continuation of the author's presentation of the history of mathematics in Russia as a research area within the history of science (v. Lokot (2018)). The elements of the history of mathematics began to intensively emerge in the epoch of Peter the Great and have undergone several stages of development. There are five stages that Russian scientists have gone through, shaping the elements of research in the history of mathematics into the research area with its own subject, objectives...

Russian Translations and Translators of Western European works (XVIII - early twentieth century) devoted to the history of mathematics

Natalia Vasilievna Lokot — 2019

Antiquitates Mathematicae

This work is a continuation of the author's presentation of the history of mathematics in Russia as a research area within the history of science (v. Lokot (2018)). The elements of the history of mathematics began to intensively emerge in the epoch of Peter the Great and have undergone several stages of development. There are five stages that Russian scientists have gone through, shaping the elements of research in the history of mathematics into the research area with its own subject, objectives...

The first Russian translations of Euclid in Russia

Natalia Vasilievna Lokot — 2018

Antiquitates Mathematicae

This article is the first part of research devoted to the inception and formation of mathematics history as a separate science in Russia. Its elements began intensively emerging in the epoch of Peter the Great and underwent several developmental stages. This work outlines five stages that Russian scientists went through while molding elements of studies in the history of mathematics into a science with its own subject, goals, and methods. The purpose of this article is to analyze the first stage,...

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