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Existence for the stationary MHD-equations coupled to heat transfer with nonlocal radiation effects

Pierre-Étienne Druet — 2009

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We consider the problem of influencing the motion of an electrically conducting fluid with an applied steady magnetic field. Since the flow is originating from buoyancy, heat transfer has to be included in the model. The stationary system of magnetohydrodynamics is considered, and an approximation of Boussinesq type is used to describe the buoyancy. The heat sources given by the dissipation of current and the viscous friction are not neglected in the fluid. The vessel containing the fluid is embedded...

Weak solutions to a time-dependent heat equation with nonlocal radiation boundary condition and arbitrary p -summable right-hand side

Pierre-Etienne Druet — 2010

Applications of Mathematics

We consider a model for transient conductive-radiative heat transfer in grey materials. Since the domain contains an enclosed cavity, nonlocal radiation boundary conditions for the conductive heat-flux are taken into account. We generalize known existence and uniqueness results to the practically relevant case of lower integrable heat-sources, and of nonsmooth interfaces. We obtain energy estimates that involve only the L p norm of the heat sources for exponents p close to one. Such estimates are...

Global Lipschitz continuity for elliptic transmission problems with a boundary intersecting interface

Pierre-Etienne Druet — 2013

Mathematica Bohemica

We investigate the regularity of the weak solution to elliptic transmission problems that involve two layered anisotropic materials separated by a boundary intersecting interface. Under a pair of compatibility conditions for the angle of the two surfaces and the boundary data at the contact line, we prove the existence of up to the boundary square-integrable second derivatives, and the global Lipschitz continuity of the solution. If only the weakest, necessary condition is satisfied, we show that...

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