Displaying similar documents to “On the asymptotic properties of a simple estimate of the Mode”

Penultimate approximation for the distribution of the excesses

Rym Worms (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


Let be a distribution function (d.f) in the domain of attraction of an extreme value distribution H γ ; it is well-known that , where is the d.f of the excesses over , converges, when tends to , the end-point of , to G γ ( x σ ( u ) ) , where G γ is the d.f. of the Generalized Pareto Distribution. We provide conditions that ensure that there exists, for γ > - 1 , a function which verifies lim u s + ( F ) Λ ( u ) = γ and is such that Δ ( u ) = sup x [ 0 , s + ( F ) - u [ | F ¯ u ( x ) - G ¯ Λ ( u ) ( x / σ ( u ) ) | converges to faster than d ( u ) = sup x [ 0 , s + ( F ) - u [ | F ¯ u ( x ) - G ¯ γ ( x / σ ( u ) ) | .

Generalized Characterization of the Convex Envelope of a Function

Fethi Kadhi (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research


We investigate the minima of functionals of the form [ a , b ] g ( u ˙ ( s ) ) d s where is strictly convex. The admissible functions u : [ a , b ] are not necessarily convex and satisfy u f on , , , is a fixed function on . We show that the minimum is attained by f ¯ , the convex envelope of .