Displaying similar documents to “On homomorphic images of locally graded groups”

A note on locally graded groups

Patrizia Longobardi, Mercede Maj, Howard Smith (1995)

Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova


Locally graded groups with certain minimal conditions for subgroups (II).

Javier Otal, Juan Manuel Peña (1988)

Publicacions Matemàtiques


This paper deals with one of the ways of studying infinite groups many of whose subgroups have a prescribed property, namely the consideration of minimal conditions. If P is a theoretical property of groups and subgroups, we show that a locally graded group P satisfies the minimal conditions for subgroups not having P if and only if either G is a Cernikov group or every subgroup of G satisfies P, for certain values of P concerning normality, nilpotency and related ideas.

On locally graded barely transitive groups

Cansu Betin, Mahmut Kuzucuoğlu (2013)

Open Mathematics


We show that a barely transitive group is totally imprimitive if and only if it is locally graded. Moreover, we obtain the description of a barely transitive group G for the case G has a cyclic subgroup 〈x〉 which intersects non-trivially with all subgroups and for the case a point stabilizer H of G has a subgroup H 1 of finite index in H satisfying the identity χ(H 1) = 1, where χ is a multi-linear commutator of weight w.

On totally inert simple groups

Martyn Dixon, Martin Evans, Antonio Tortora (2010)

Open Mathematics


A subgroup H of a group G is inert if |H: H ∩ H g| is finite for all g ∈ G and a group G is totally inert if every subgroup H of G is inert. We investigate the structure of minimal normal subgroups of totally inert groups and show that infinite locally graded simple groups cannot be totally inert.

A note on groups with few isomorphism classes of subgroups

Francesco de Giovanni, Alessio Russo (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae


The structure of infinite groups in which any two (proper) subgroups of the same cardinality are isomorphic is described within the universe of locally graded groups. The corresponding problem for finite groups was considered by R. Armstrong (1958).

Diophantine geometry over groups I : Makanin-Razborov diagrams

Zlil Sela (2001)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS


This paper is the first in a sequence on the structure of sets of solutions to systems of equations in a free group, projections of such sets, and the structure of elementary sets defined over a free group. In the first paper we present the (canonical) Makanin-Razborov diagram that encodes the set of solutions of a system of equations. We continue by studying parametric families of sets of solutions, and associate with such a family a canonical graded Makanin-Razborov diagram, that encodes...

Totally inert groups

V. V. Belyaev, M. Kuzucuoğlu, E. Seçkin (1999)

Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova


Weak dimension of group-graded rings.

Angel del Río (1990)

Publicacions Matemàtiques


We study the weak dimension of a group-graded ring using methods developed in [B1], [Q] and [R]. We prove that if R is a G-graded ring with G locally finite and the order of every subgroup of G is invertible in R, then the graded weak dimension of R is equal to the ungraded one.