Displaying similar documents to “On Gelfond’s conjecture about the sum of digits of prime numbers”

Invariant measures and long-time behavior for the Benjamin-Ono equation

Yu Deng, Nikolay Tzvetkov, Nicola Visciglia (2014)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles


We summarize the main ideas in a series of papers ([], [], [], []) devoted to the construction of invariant measures and to the long-time behavior of solutions of the periodic Benjamin-Ono equation.

Lefschetz Fibrations and real Lefschetz fibrations

Nermin Salepci (2014)

Winter Braids Lecture Notes


This note is based on the lectures that I have given during the winter school Winter Braids IV, School on algebraic and topological aspects of braid groups held in Dijon on 10 - 13 February 2014. The aim of series of three lectures was to give an overview of geometrical and topological properties of 4-dimensional Lefschetz fibrations. Meanwhile, I could briefly introduce real Lefschetz fibrations, fibrations which have certain symmetry, and could present some...

The geometry of dimer models

David Cimasoni (2014)

Winter Braids Lecture Notes


This is an expanded version of a three-hour minicourse given at the winterschool held in Dijon in February 2014. The aim of these lectures was to present some aspects of the dimer model to a geometrically minded audience. We spoke neither of braids nor of knots, but tried to show how several geometric tools that we know and love (e.g. (co)homology, spin structures, real algebraic curves) can be applied to very natural problems in combinatorics and statistical physics. These lecture...

Gibbs-Markov-Young structures, ,

Carla L. Dias (2012)

ESAIM: Proceedings


We discuss the geometric structures defined by Young in [9, 10], which are used to prove the existence of an ergodic absolutely continuous invariant probability measure and to study the decay of correlations in expanding or hyperbolic systems on large parts.

The Hartree equation for infinite quantum systems

Julien Sabin (2014)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles


We review some recent results obtained with Mathieu Lewin [] concerning the nonlinear Hartree equation for density matrices of infinite trace, describing the time evolution of quantum systems with infinitely many particles. Our main result is the asymptotic stability of a large class of translation-invariant density matrices which are stationary solutions to the Hartree equation. We also mention some related result obtained in collaboration with Rupert Frank [] about Strichartz estimates...

Numerical simulations of the focal spot generated by a set of laser beams : LMJ

Antoine Bourgeade, Boniface Nkonga (2011)

ESAIM: Proceedings


In order to get the fusion of small capsules containing a deuterium-tritium nuclear fuel, the MegaJoule laser (LMJ) will focus a large number of laser beams inside a cylinder (Hohlraum) which contains the fusion capsule. In order to control this process we have to know as well as possible the electromagnetic field created by the laser beams on both Hohlraum’s apertures. This article describes a numerical tool which computes this electromagnetic...

Influence of waves on Lagrangian acceleration in two-dimensional turbulent flows

Romain Nguyen van yen, Benjamin Kadoch, Vivek Kumar, Benjamin Ménétrier, Marie Farge, Kai Schneider, Diane Douady, Lionel Guez (2011)

ESAIM: Proceedings


The Lagrangian statistics in rotating Saint-Venant turbulence are studied by means of direct numerical simulation using a pseudo-spectral discretization fully resolving, both in time and space, all the inertio-gravity waves present in the system. To understand the influence of waves, three initial conditions are considered, one which is dominated by waves, one which is dominated by vortices, and one which is intermediate between these two ...