Displaying similar documents to “On the orbits of Singer groups and their subgroups.”

The closure diagram for nilpotent orbits of the split real form of E8

Dragomir Đoković (2003)

Open Mathematics


Let 𝒪 1 and 𝒪 2 be adjoint nilpotent orbits in a real semisimple Lie algebra. Write 𝒪 1 𝒪 2 if 𝒪 2 is contained in the closure of 𝒪 1 . This defines a partial order on the set of such orbits, known as the closure ordering. We determine this order for the split real form of the simple complex Lie algebra, E 8. The proof is based on the fact that the Kostant-Sekiguchi correspondence preserves the closure ordering. We also present a comprehensive list of simple representatives of these orbits, and...

Periodic orbits and chain-transitive sets of C1-diffeomorphisms

Sylvain Crovisier (2006)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS


We prove that the chain-transitive sets of C-generic diffeomorphisms are approximated in the Hausdorff topology by periodic orbits. This implies that the homoclinic classes are dense among the chain-recurrence classes. This result is a consequence of a global connecting lemma, which allows to build by a C-perturbation an orbit connecting several prescribed points. One deduces a weak shadowing property satisfied by C-generic diffeomorphisms: any pseudo-orbit is approximated in the Hausdorff...

How restrictive is topological dynamics?

Anzelm Iwanik (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let T be a permutation of an abstract set X . In ZFC, we find a necessary and sufficient condition it terms of cardinalities of the T -orbits that allows us to topologize ( X , T ) as a topological dynamical system on a compact Hausdorff space. This extends an early result of H. de Vries concerning compact metric dynamical systems. An analogous result is obtained for 𝐙 2 -actions without periodic points.

On the primary orbits of star maps (second part: spiral orbits)

Lluís Alsedà, José Miguel Moreno (2002)

Applicationes Mathematicae


This paper is the second part of [2] and is devoted to the study of the spiral orbits of self maps of the 4-star with the branching point fixed, completing the characterization of the strongly directed primary orbits for such maps.