Displaying similar documents to “On a nonlinear integral equation without compactness.”

An abstract nonlinear second order differential equation

Jan Bochenek (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


By using the theory of strongly continuous cosine families of linear operators in Banach space the existence of solutions of a semilinear second order differential initial value problem (1) as well as the existence of solutions of the linear inhomogeneous problem corresponding to (1) are proved. The main result of the paper is contained in Theorem 5.

Some existence results for solutions of differential inclusions with retardations

L. H. Erbe, W. Krawcewicz, Shaozhu Chen (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Using the topological transversality method of Granas we prove an existence result for a system of differential inclusions with retardations of the form y'' ∈ F(t,y,y',Φ(y)). The result is applied to the study of the existence of solutions to an equation of the trajectory of an r-stage rocket with retardations.

Three methods for the study of semilinear equations at resonance

Bogdan Przeradzki (1993)

Colloquium Mathematicae


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Qualitative investigation of nonlinear differential equations describing infiltration of water

Xingbao Wu (1995)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


A nonlinear differential equation of the form (q(x)k(x)u')' = F(x,u,u') arising in models of infiltration of water is considered, together with the corresponding differential equation with a positive parameter λ, (q(x)k(x)u')' = λF(x,u,u'). The theorems about existence, uniqueness, boundedness of solution and its dependence on the parameter are established.