Displaying similar documents to “Adaptive convex optimization in Banach spaces: a multilevel approach”

Recent developments in wavelet methods for the solution of PDE's

Silvia Bertoluzza (2005)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


After reviewing some of the properties of wavelet bases, and in particular the property of characterisation of function spaces via wavelet coefficients, we describe two new approaches to, respectively, stabilisation of numerically unstable PDE's and to non linear (adaptive) solution of PDE's, which are made possible by these properties.

Approximate multiplication in adaptive wavelet methods

Dana Černá, Václav Finěk (2013)

Open Mathematics


Cohen, Dahmen and DeVore designed in [Adaptive wavelet methods for elliptic operator equations: convergence rates, Math. Comp., 2001, 70(233), 27–75] and [Adaptive wavelet methods II¶beyond the elliptic case, Found. Comput. Math., 2002, 2(3), 203–245] a general concept for solving operator equations. Its essential steps are: transformation of the variational formulation into the well-conditioned infinite-dimensional l 2-problem, finding the convergent iteration process for the l 2-problem...