Displaying similar documents to “Actuator fault tolerant control design based on a reconfigurable reference input”

Fault-tolerant control strategy for actuator faults using LPV techniques: Application to a two degree of freedom helicopter

Saúl Montes de Oca, Vicenç Puig, Marcin Witczak, Łukasz Dziekan (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


In this paper, a Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) strategy for Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems that can be used in the case of actuator faults is proposed. The idea of this FTC method is to adapt the faulty plant instead of adapting the controller to the faulty plant. This approach can be seen as a kind of virtual actuator. An integrated FTC design procedure for the fault identification and fault-tolerant control schemes using LPV techniques is provided as well. Fault identification...

Novel fault detection criteria based on linear quadratic control performances

Dušan Krokavec, Anna Filasová (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


This paper proposes a new approach to designing a relatively simple algorithmic fault detection system that is potentially applicable in embedded diagnostic structures. The method blends the LQ control principle with checking and evaluating unavoidable degradation in the sequence of discrete-time LQ control performance index values due to faults in actuators, sensors or system dynamics. Design conditions are derived, and direct computational forms of the algorithms are given. A simulation...

Sliding mode methods for fault detection and fault tolerant control with application to aerospace systems

Christopher Edwards, Halim Alwi, Chee Pin Tan (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


Sliding mode methods have been historically studied because of their strong robustness properties with regard to a certain class of uncertainty, achieved by employing nonlinear control/injection signals to force the system trajectories to attain in finite time a motion along a surface in the state-space. This paper will consider how these ideas can be exploited for fault detection (specifically fault signal estimation) and subsequently fault tolerant control. It will also describe applications...

Reconfigurability analysis for reliable fault-tolerant control design

Ahmed Khelassi, Didier Theilliol, Philippe Weber (2011)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


In this paper the integration of reliability evaluation in reconfigurability analysis of a fault-tolerant control system is considered. The aim of this work is to contribute to reliable fault-tolerant control design. The admissibility of control reconfigurability is analyzed with respect to reliability requirements. This analysis shows the relationship between reliability and control reconfigurability defined generally through Gramian controllability. An admissible solution for reconfigurability...

LPV design of fault-tolerant control for road vehicles

Péter Gáspár, Zoltán Szabó, József Bokor (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


The aim of the paper is to present a supervisory decentralized architecture for the design and development of reconfigurable and fault-tolerant control systems in road vehicles. The performance specifications are guaranteed by local controllers, while the coordination of these components is provided by a supervisor. Since the monitoring components and FDI filters provide the supervisor with information about the various vehicle maneuvers and the different fault operations, it is able...

Nonlinear model predictive control of a boiler unit: A fault tolerant control study

Krzysztof Patan, Józef Korbicz (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


This paper deals with a nonlinear model predictive control designed for a boiler unit. The predictive controller is realized by means of a recurrent neural network which acts as a one-step ahead predictor. Then, based on the neural predictor, the control law is derived solving an optimization problem. Fault tolerant properties of the proposed control system are also investigated. A set of eight faulty scenarios is prepared to verify the quality of the fault tolerant control. Based of...

Robust multisensor fault tolerant model-following MPC design for constrained systems

Alain Yetendje, Maria M. Seron, José A. De Doná (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


In this paper, a robust fault-tolerant control strategy for constrained multisensor linear systems, subject to sensor faults and in the presence of bounded state and output disturbances, is proposed. The scheme verifies that, for each sensors-estimator combination, suitable residual variables lie inside pre-computed sets and selects a more appropriate combination based on a chosen criterion. An active fault tolerant output feedback controller yields an MPC-based control law and, by means...

Active fault tolerant control of nonlinear systems: The cart-pole example

Marcello Bonfè, Paolo Castaldi, Nicola Mimmo, Silvio Simani (2011)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


This paper describes the design of fault diagnosis and active fault tolerant control schemes that can be developed for nonlinear systems. The methodology is based on a fault detection and diagnosis procedure relying on adaptive filters designed via the nonlinear geometric approach, which allows obtaining the disturbance de-coupling property. The controller reconfiguration exploits directly the on-line estimate of the fault signal. The classical model of an inverted pendulum on a cart...