Displaying similar documents to “Isomorphic classification and lifting theorems for spaces of differentiable functions with Lipschitz conditions”

Isomorphism of some anisotropic Besov and sequence spaces

A. Kamont (1994)

Studia Mathematica


An isomorphism between some anisotropic Besov and sequence spaces is established, and the continuity of a Stieltjes-type integral operator, acting on some of these spaces, is proved.

On coerciveness in Besov spaces for abstract parabolic equations of higher order

Yoshitaka Yamamoto (1999)

Studia Mathematica


We are concerned with a relation between parabolicity and coerciveness in Besov spaces for a higher order linear evolution equation in a Banach space. As proved in a preceding work, a higher order linear evolution equation enjoys coerciveness in Besov spaces under a certain parabolicity condition adopted and studied by several authors. We show that for a higher order linear evolution equation coerciveness in Besov spaces forces the parabolicity of the equation. We thus conclude that...