Displaying similar documents to “A new dimension type”

Borsuk's quasi-equivalence is not transitive

Andrzej Kadlof, Nikola Koceić Bilan, Nikica Uglešić (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Borsuk's quasi-equivalence relation on the class of all compacta is considered. The open problem concerning transitivity of this relation is solved in the negative. Namely, three continua X, Y and Z lying in ℝ³ are constructed such that X is quasi-equivalent to Y and Y is quasi-equivalent to Z, while X is not quasi-equivalent to Z.

Every N-Dimensional Separable Metric Space Contains a Totally Disconnected (n-1)-Dimensional Subset with no True Quasi-Components Всяко n-мерно сепарабелно метрично пространство съдържа напълно несвързано (n − 1)-мерно подмножество с едноточкови квазикомпоненти

Todorov, Vladimir, Stoev, Petar (2010)

Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians


Владимир Тодоров, Петър Стоев - Тази бележка съдържа елементарна конструкция на множество с указаните в заглавието свойства. Да отбележим в допълнение, че така полученото множество остава напълно несвързано дори и след като се допълни с краен брой елементи. The quasi-component Q(x) of a point x of a topological space X is by definition the intersection of all open and closed subsets of X, every one of which contains x. If a quasi-component consists of more than one point,...

Quasi-lines and their degenerations

Laurent Bonavero, Andreas Höring (2007)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze


In this paper we study the structure of manifolds that contain a quasi-line and give some evidence towards the fact that the irreducible components of degenerations of the quasi-line should determine the Mori cone. We show that the minimality with respect to a quasi-line yields strong restrictions on fibre space structures of the manifold.

Versatile asymmetrical tight extensions

Olivier Olela Otafudu, Zechariah Mushaandja (2017)

Topological Algebra and its Applications


We show that the image of a q-hyperconvex quasi-metric space under a retraction is q-hyperconvex. Furthermore, we establish that quasi-tightness and quasi-essentiality of an extension of a T0-quasi-metric space are equivalent.

On some questions in quasi-uniform topological spaces.

Jesús Ferrer Llopis, Valentín Gregori Gregori, Carmen Alegre Gil (1992)



Partial solution is given here respect to one open problem posed by P. Fletcher and W. F. Lindgren in their monography Quasi-uniform spaces.

Quasi-linear maps

D. J. Grubb (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


A quasi-linear map from a continuous function space C(X) is one which is linear on each singly generated subalgebra. We show that the collection of quasi-linear functionals has a Banach space pre-dual with a natural order. We then investigate quasi-linear maps between two continuous function spaces, classifying them in terms of generalized image transformations.