Displaying similar documents to “Multisymplectic forms of degree three in dimension seven”

Soldered double linear morphisms

Alena Vanžurová (1992)

Mathematica Bohemica


Our aim is to show a method of finding all natural transformations of a functor T T * into itself. We use here the terminology introduced in [4,5]. The notion of a soldered double linear morphism of soldered double vector spaces (fibrations) is defined. Differentiable maps f : C 0 C 0 commuting with T T * -soldered automorphisms of a double vector space C 0 = V * × V × V * are investigated. On the set Z s ( C 0 ) of such mappings, appropriate partial operations are introduced. The natural transformations T T * T T * are bijectively related...

The contact system on the ( m , ) -jet spaces

J. Muñoz, F. J. Muriel, Josemar Rodríguez (2001)

Archivum Mathematicum


This paper is a continuation of [MMR:98], where we give a construction of the canonical Pfaff system Ω ( M m ) on the space of ( m , ) -velocities of a smooth manifold M . Here we show that the characteristic system of Ω ( M m ) agrees with the Lie algebra of Aut ( m ) , the structure group of the principal fibre bundle M ˇ m J m ( M ) , hence it is projectable to an irreducible contact system on the space of ( m , ) -jets ( = -th order contact elements of dimension m ) of M . Furthermore, we translate to the language of Weil bundles the structure...

SL 2 -equivariant polynomial automorphisms of the binary forms

Alexandre Kurth (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


We consider the space of binary forms of degree n 1 denoted by R n : = [ x , y ] n . We will show that every polynomial automorphism of R n which commutes with the linear SL 2 ( ) -action and which maps the variety of forms with pairwise distinct zeroes into itself, is a multiple of the identity on R n .

Jet manifold associated to a Weil bundle

Ricardo J. Alonso (2000)

Archivum Mathematicum


Given a Weil algebra A and a smooth manifold M , we prove that the set J A M of kernels of regular A -points of M , M ˇ A , has a differentiable manifold structure and M ˇ A J A M is a principal fiber bundle.