Displaying similar documents to “On the Transition from Deflagration to Detonation in Narrow Channels”

Different boundary conditions for LES solver Palm 6.0 used for ABL in tunnel experiment

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We tried to reproduce results measured in the wind tunnel experiment with a CFD simulation provided by numerical model PALM. A realistic buildings layout from the Prague-Dejvice quarter has been chosen as a testing domain because solid validation campaign for PALM simulation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) over this quarter was documented in the past. The question of input data needed for such simulation and capability of the model to capture correctly the inlet profile and its...

Validation of numerical simulations of a simple immersed boundary solver for fluid flow in branching channels

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On suitable inlet boundary conditions for fluid-structure interaction problems in a channel

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Applications of Mathematics


We are interested in the numerical solution of a two-dimensional fluid-structure interaction problem. A special attention is paid to the choice of physically relevant inlet boundary conditions for the case of channel closing. Three types of the inlet boundary conditions are considered. Beside the classical Dirichlet and the do-nothing boundary conditions also a generalized boundary condition motivated by the penalization prescription of the Dirichlet boundary condition is applied. The...

Numerical investigation of dynamic capillary pressure in two-phase flow in porous medium

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Numerical study of acoustic multiperforated plates

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BEM and FEM results of displacements in a poroelastic column

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International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


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