Displaying similar documents to “Remarks on the gamma and beta distributions.”

A compound of the generalized negative binomial distribution with the generalized beta distribution

Tadeusz Gerstenkorn (2004)

Open Mathematics


This paper presents a compound of the generalized negative binomial distribution with the generalized beta distribution. In the introductory part of the paper, we provide a chronological overview of recent developments in the compounding of distributions, including the Polish results. Then, in addition to presenting the probability function of the compound generalized negative binomial-generalized beta distribution, we present special cases as well as factorial and crude moments of some...

The elementary theory of distributions (I)

Jan Mikusiński, Roman Sikorski


CONTENTS Introduction........................................................................................................... 3 § 1. The abstraction principle............................................................................... 4 § 2. Fundamental sequences of continuous functions......................................... 5 § 3. The definition of distributions........................................................................ 9 § 4. Distributions as a generalization of...

Distributions that are functions

Ricardo Estrada (2010)

Banach Center Publications


It is well-known that any locally Lebesgue integrable function generates a unique distribution, a so-called regular distribution. It is also well-known that many non-integrable functions can be regularized to give distributions, but in general not in a unique fashion. What is not so well-known is that to many distributions one can associate an ordinary function, the function that assigns the distributional point value of the distribution at each point where the value exists, and that...

On the Bayes estimators of the parameters of inflated modified power series distributions

Małgorzata Murat, Dominik Szynal (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics


In this paper, we study the class of inflated modified power series distributions (IMPSD) where inflation occurs at any of support points. This class includes among others the generalized Poisson,the generalized negative binomial and the lost games distributions. We derive the Bayes estimators of parameters for these distributions when a parameter of inflation is known. First, we take as the prior distribution the uniform, Beta and Gamma distribution. In the second part of this paper,...