Displaying similar documents to “Common Lyapunov function based on Kullback-Leibler divergence for a switched nonlinear system.”

Stability analysis of uncertain complex-variable delayed nonlinear systems via intermittent control with multiple switched periods

Song Zheng (2018)



In this paper, an intermittent control approach with multiple switched periods is proposed for the robust exponential stabilization of uncertain complex-variable delayed nonlinear systems with parameters perturbation, in which the considered complex systems have bounded parametric uncertainties. Based on the Lyapunov stability theory and comparison theorem of differential equations, some stability criteria are established for a class of uncertain complex delayed nonlinear systems with...

Stability of a class of adaptive nonlinear systems

Andrzej Dzielinski (2005)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


This paper presents a research effort focused on the problem of robust stability of the closed-loop adaptive system. It is aimed at providing a general framework for the investigation of continuous-time, state-space systems required to track a (stable) reference model. This is motivated by the model reference adaptive control (MRAC) scheme, traditionally considered in such a setting. The application of differential inequlities results to the analysis of the Lyapunov stability for a class...

Robust exponential stability of a class of nonlinear systems

Vojtech Veselý, Danica Rosinová (1998)



The paper addresses the problem of design of a robust controller for a class of nonlinear uncertain systems to guarantee the prescribed decay rate of exponential stability. The bounded deterministic uncertainties are considered both in a studied system and its input part. The proposed approach does not employ matching conditions.