Displaying similar documents to “Expected utility with pseudotransitive preferences.”

A note on an open problem in the foundations of statistics.

Alejandro García del Amo, David Ríos Insua (2002)



Estudiamos un problema abierto en los fundamentos de la estadística, el de modelizar imprecisión en preferencias y creencias dentro del marco de la utilidad esperada. Este problema fundamenta el análisis de sensibilidad en estadística bayesiana. Proporcionamos una solución en términos de utilidades esperadas dependientes del estado.

On the foundations of statistics and decision theory.

José M. Bernardo, Javier Girón (1983)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa


An elementary axiomatic foundation for decision theory is presented at a general enough level to cover standard applications of Bayesian methods. The intuitive meaning of both axioms and results is stressed. It is argued that statistical inference is a particular decision problem to which the axiomatic argument fully applies.

Quasi-Bayesian behaviour: a more realistic approach to decision making?

Francisco Javier Girón, Sixto Ríos (1980)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa


In this paper the theoretical and practical implications of dropping -from the basic Bayesian coherence principles- the assumption of comparability of every pair of acts is examined. The resulting theory is shown to be still perfectly coherent and has Bayesian theory as a particular case. In particular we question the need of weakening or ruling out some of the axioms that constitute the coherence principles; what are their practical implications; how this drive to the notion of partial...

Local and regional coherence utility assessment procedures.

Melvin R. Novick, D. F. Dekeyrel, D. T. Chuang (1980)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa


Novick and Lindley (1978, 1979) have dealt with the use of utility functions for applications in education and have advocated the use of the standard gamble (von Neumann and Morgenstern, 1953) elicitation procedure with the addition of coherence checking using overspecification and a least squares fit. In this procedure utilities are inferred from probability judgements offered by the assessor. This paper describes local and regional coherence procedures which seek utility coherence...

Duality theorems for Kantorovich-Rubinstein and Wasserstein functionals

S. T. Rachev, R. M.


CONTENTS§0. Introduction...................................................................................................................................5§1. Notation and terminology..............................................................................................................6§2. A generalization of the Kantorovich-Rubinstein theorem..............................................................8§3. Application: explicit representations for a class of probability metrics.........................................14§4....