Some distortion theorems related to an invariant metric in C²
Stefan Bergman (1967)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Stefan Bergman (1967)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Bogusław Hajduk, Rafał Walczak (2003)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Let be a -space such that the orbit space is metrizable. Suppose a family of slices is given at each point of . We study a construction which associates, under some conditions on the family of slices, with any metric on an invariant metric on . We show also that a family of slices with the required properties exists for any action of a countable group on a locally compact and locally connected metric space.
Marek Jarnicki, Peter Pflug
Robert Zimmer (1984)
Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS
Stefan Halverscheid, Andrea Iannuzzi (2006)
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze
On any real semisimple Lie group we consider a one-parameter family of left-invariant naturally reductive metrics. Their geodesic flow in terms of Killing curves, the Levi Civita connection and the main curvature properties are explicitly computed. Furthermore we present a group theoretical revisitation of a classical realization of all simply connected 3-dimensional manifolds with a transitive group of isometries due to L. Bianchi and É. Cartan. As a consequence one obtains a characterization...
Nikolai Nikolov
Vlček, Jan, Lukšan, Ladislav
G. Rangan (1970)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
Vershik, A.M. (2004)
Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI
Jan Mycielski (1974)
Colloquium Mathematicae