Displaying similar documents to “Fully explicit quasiconvexification of the mean-square deviation of the gradient of the state in optimal design.”

Optimisation in space of measures and optimal design

Ilya Molchanov, Sergei Zuyev (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


The paper develops an approach to optimal design problems based on application of abstract optimisation principles in the space of measures. Various design criteria and constraints, such as bounded density, fixed barycentre, fixed variance, etc. are treated in a unified manner providing a universal variant of the Kiefer-Wolfowitz theorem and giving a full spectrum of optimality criteria for particular cases. Incorporating the optimal design problems into conventional optimisation...

Optimal design of turbines with an attached mass

Boris P. Belinskiy, C. Maeve McCarthy, Terry J. Walters (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


We minimize, with respect to shape, the moment of inertia of a turbine having the given lowest eigenfrequency of the torsional oscillations. The necessary conditions of optimality in conjunction with certain physical parameters admit a unique optimal design.

Vector variational problems and applications to optimal design

Pablo Pedregal (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


We examine how the use of typical techniques from non-convex vector variational problems can help in understanding optimal design problems in conductivity. After describing the main ideas of the underlying analysis and providing some standard material in an attempt to make the exposition self-contained, we show how those ideas apply to a typical optimal desing problem with two different conducting materials. Then we examine the equivalent relaxed formulation to end up with a new problem...

Optimisation in space of measures and optimal design

Ilya Molchanov, Sergei Zuyev (2004)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


The paper develops an approach to optimal design problems based on application of abstract optimisation principles in the space of measures. Various design criteria and constraints, such as bounded density, fixed barycentre, fixed variance, etc. are treated in a unified manner providing a universal variant of the Kiefer-Wolfowitz theorem and giving a full spectrum of optimality criteria for particular cases. Incorporating the optimal design problems into conventional optimisation framework...